The Pastor’s Porch, November 6, 2020


The Pastor’s Porch                                           November 6, 2020

Some people are feeling sorry for me because I am in my condo, but my furniture won’t be delivered for a few more days. Yes, it is inconvenient, but it also brings opportunity. Right now I am sitting on my inflatable mattress, drinking my coffee, and writing to you. I look out of the bedroom into the great room and all I see are bare walls, bare floors and a light fixture. It is pregnant with opportunity. In the next few days I will think about and pray about how to decorate this beautiful place. It is definitely going to be a huge change from New England. Somehow, it feels like having a clean slate. Anything can be written on it, past days are behind me, both good and bad, and the future is unfolding. I am tired to be sure, but looking forward to what the next days, weeks, months, and years will bring. Only God knows what awaits me, and I actually love that. There’s something really amazing about simply taking his hand and going where he leads me. It’s all about trust, isn’t it? Maybe today you can set aside even just an hour and simply ask God how He wants you to use it. No agenda, no to do list, just waiting to hear His voice and then acting upon it. Blessings to you from Florida.

Dear Jesus, help me to trust You with the confidence of a child. Help me please to simply reach for Your hand and go with You wherever You would take me. Bring me peace, courage, and love for those I encounter. Amen.


Truly I tell you,” Jesus replied, “no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive 100 times as much in this present age: homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields along with persecutions and then the age to come, eternal life.”
