The Pastor’s Porch October 7, 2020
So what word came to you to describe the church? I am pretty sure that if you ask a non-believer, the response would be a building. Some believers would answer the body of Christ. Some might say fellowship or refuge. I am pondering what it would mean to say that the church is an army. A regiment to take on the evil of the world. A force of reckoning in these very difficult times. After all, when Jesus was born and the angels proclaimed his birth, the one angel was joined by what was called a heavenly host. The word for host there translates into army. So if there is an army, what or who is the enemy? I think that the enemy is the old way of doing things that don’t translate into any change and effectiveness. Armies have to give up comfort and past tried and true methods. In this new world in which we are living, we must discern totally new ways to do ministry and reach others for Christ. The church has to have a new definition. What might that be? Well it could be that the church is an army. It could also be that the church is a way to a better future. It could be that the church is the hope of the world. Whatever you believe, you must do more than just think about it. You must live into the vision of the church. These are very difficult and dark times. Only Jesus Christ brings hope to what is happening around us. I pray that you will figure out what your church is called to do during these
Lord Jesus, you have called us to be Your church. We are to be the rock on which truth is founded. Please help us to build only upon the truth and not upon the untruths that we hear so much around us. Help us to be the voice of truth to those who are uncertain and afraid. Amen.
Matthew 16:18
And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.
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