The Pastor’s Porch October 8, 2020


The Pastor’s Porch                                               October 8, 2020

I have to confess that one of my favorite things about sitting on my porch is seeing the birds. Do you see them as happy like I do? I guess because they’re always singing and hopping along the branches I see them as so upbeat. Last week I was beyond excited when I finally saw a bright red cardinal in the tree by my porch. Mind you, There are plenty of cardinals where I live, but I haven’t seen one the whole time I’ve lived here. I love cardinals. They remind me of my childhood when I grew up in North Carolina and saw them all the time. They were the state bird, and something about their color was so compelling. Yesterday I was sitting on the porch and saw a bird fly to the tree and land vertically on the trunk of the tree. That surprised me as I expect birds to land on the branches. As I watched, the bird hopped up the trunk to a preferred spot. I realized that it was a woodpecker which I have also never seen that close. The bird got straight to work pecking at the trunk. It was so cool. It is amazing to think that God created such wonderful creatures. I am so encouraged when I see them. It always reminds me of the scripture about them that they care about nothing because all of their needs are met. I need to be like the birds. I need not to worry, and in fact to be expectant of how God is going to come through and fill the needs of my life. I encourage you today to just step outside and to spend some time looking at the birds. Listen to their song. They are God’s gift and reminder that He wants only the best for us.

Dear Lord, thank You for the birds. Thank You for their songs and for the carefree way they go about their lives. Help us to be like those birds, trusting in You for everything and being joyful each day. Amen.

Matthew 6:26-27

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.Are you not much more valuable than they? Can anyone of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? 


  1. I love this, I often watch the birds out around my garden. I see a cardinal fairly often.
    I see finches, morning doves and robins. I love that I am facing the woods. I even sometimes get a special surprise like seeing a fox, pheasant, 2 mallards, male and female, a young buck, a great blue heron, etc. I thank God for these special glimpses, I feel like He does that just for me, because He knows how much I love His creations!


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