The Pastor’s Porch, October 28,2020


The Pastor’s Porch                                               October 28, 2020

Lately I’ve been thinking about women in the Bible. It’s interesting to me that they are not portrayed as submissive, but rather as strong. You can say anything you want about Eve, but she was one strong, opinionated lady. She took on Satan and had a theological debate with him. Yes she ended up eating the apple, or whatever it was, but even really competent women make mistakes sometimes. I think about Noah‘s wife and Abrahams wife, Rachel and Leah, and even Zipporah, Moses’ wife. All of these women were strong and wise, and contributed much to our understanding of how to be and to live. There are many more women I could mention. Think about Deborah, Esther, Ruth, and so many more from the old testament. Then consider women like Mary, and Elizabeth, and Mary Magdalene, and the woman at the well. The list goes on… Not a single one was a doormat. Not a single one hesitated to do what God asked of her. I want to be like these wise women. Honestly if we read the Bible as a whole, we would come out with a whole different tradition of honoring women. No matter what, though, the truth is right there in God’s word. Women are key to bringing the kingdom closer to those around them. If you are a woman reading this today, embrace the power of your call. And if you are a man reading this, then take a moment to think about strong women of faith that you have encountered, and consider reaching out and thanking them for their example. We are truly blessed by so many women of faith.

Thank you Lord, for Your affirmation of women and Your  willingness to use them in so many ways. Help me, oh Lord, to embrace the amazing power of Your Spirit within me, and to reach out to those around me with confidence and love. Amen.

Proverbs 31:30

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.


  1. I really love this. Thank you for sharing.
    So many of us women are expected to cater to a man's idea of convenience. They think of us as some level of "slave", instead of loving us as God commands them to do.
    But Lord thank you for the men who do follow your ways of treating a woman. I pray that I can meet such an "available" man. In Jesus name, amen.

  2. Funny, reading the Messiah readings, the thought of women being integral to God's ministry and as you said, all strong in their own way, has been before me as well. Dorcas, Joanna, etc. The list goes on.....thanks for your thoughts above.


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