The Pastor’s Porch October 27, 2020
One of God’s greatest gifts is friendships, don’t you agree? I am remembering some wise things that I read years ago about friends and about the pain that can come from friendships. The bottom line of the story was that some friends are for a reason, some for a season, and some, perhaps a very few, are for a lifetime. Pain happens when we think that our friendship is deeper than it is meant to be. Friendships for a reason might be those where we need specific support during a particular time. It can also be geographic in nature. The reason God brings friends during those times is so that we can receive his love and support through those friends no matter how temporarily. Next we have friendships that are for a season. Maybe it’s during the time that we are raising children, or going to school or a time when we are living in a place only to move to another. Those friendships may be very hard when they end, but it is helpful to know that that is an a natural cycle. And yes, there are some friendships that transcend time and place and are the best gifts of all. I have a few of those friend, actually a very few. They are the ones that pray for me all the time. They are the ones that I can call anytime day or night. Also they are the ones that make me take better care of myself in spite of myself! I honestly don’t think that I could make it through my life without them. Do you have friends like that? Do you have friends who are for a reason, a season, or a lifetime? I encourage you to reach out to them today to let them know how much they are appreciated. I will do the same.
Dear Jesus, thank You for the friends that are such gifts to me. Thank You for hearing them when they pray for me and for inspiring them to love me in practical ways. Thank You for their honesty, their prodding, and most of all for their love. Help me to be an invaluable friend. It’s in Your name I pray, amen.
John 15:12-13
My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.
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