The Pastor’s Porch October 25, 2020
How do you get your head around something that you can’t comprehend? I just can’t take it in that I am moving a week from today. This is my last week in beautiful Orange, Massachusetts. There is so much that I have loved here, especially the people. As I’ve already shared, God is calling me to a beach town in Florida. There is going to be quite a culture shock when I get there. I also have shared how much I love the beach, and how God never fails to show up when I am on the sand or in the water. I just can’t imagine living there! I can’t take in that this winter will be a warm one. It is so strange that I will be surrounded by palm trees and lakes with alligators in them! Most of all, I’m having trouble imagining myself in front of a new congregation. Yesterday was my last service with my church here, I do love the people so much. It’s all a lot of change. I do know and trust that God will walk with me every step of the way, because He promises that when he ask something of us He will never leave us. I am so grateful that I know that. You can be certain of that promise too, my friend. Don’t be afraid to take risks to do crazy things when God ask you to do so. In the end, I wouldn’t have life any other way.
Dear Lord, help me to do the things You ask of me. Not only that, but help me please to be excited about doing them. Lord, I ask for Your strength, courage, and passion. Amen.
Joshua 1:9
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
Here is a link to a great song about taking risks.
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