I have been diligently packing for my move. Right now I am packing the attic, which is the hardest. Every time I think I am close to having gone through all of the stuff, I find another few boxes that haven’t been opened in years. Yesterday I found one that was pretty beat up. It didn’t weigh much which was good. When I opened it, I found all of the bedding that I had saved from when my son Andrew was a baby. I was delighted to see it. At the bottom of that box was his blanket – his beloved blanket. It barely stays together. Immediately in my mind I heard the words, “this is love.” I draped it over a chair and took a picture to send to him. That blanket is worth more than almost anything else I own. And you know what? In God’s eyes, I am just like that blanket. I am not new and shiny. On the edges I am tattered, my colors have faded, and I am definitely worn. I know, however, that I am incredibly loved nevertheless. What was my reaction to seeing the blanket? Of course I took it into a huge hug and held it and loved it. God does that with me too. I think after I post this, I’m just going to sit in the midst of that hug. Perhaps after you read this, you can do the same.
Lord, thank You for the reminder that in Your eyes we are perfect. Thank you that we know that we are loved by You. Amen.
Psalm 8:3-5
3 When I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place,
4 what is humankind that you are mindful of them,
human beings that you care for them? You have made them a little lower than the angels and crown them with glory and honor.
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