I woke up this morning laughing. Not a bad way to start the week, right? Why was I laughing? For some reason I was remembering going to college for my first two years. I grew up in North Carolina, and believe it or not, was a very shy girl. I was insecure and again, very very shy. So this morning I was remembering getting on the plane, and flying by myself all the way to Phoenix, Arizona. I remember that I cried all the way to St. Louis, where I had to change planes. I was so scared going through that airport all by myself. So yes looking back, it makes me laugh. Look at me now. I do the craziest things without batting an eye. I talked to God about it, and I got the sense that all of the tough times that I have experienced in my life have made it possible for me to be the strong leader that I have become. As I preached yesterday to my congregation there were no nerves. I simply felt an urgency to share the message that God had given me. Greeting strangers at the store afterwards again was no problem. Knowing that I am leading three national workshops this week isn’t a problem. Well maybe I do gulp a little bit thinking about that one... It is so fun to think that God had my life planned before any of it happened. That is true for you too, my friend. Whatever it is you have gone through or are going through right now, is preparing you for what God has for you in the future, and is shaping you into the perfect tool to do his ministry. As hard as it is sometimes, I find that somehow finding joy in the toughness of the times, comes from knowing that God’s good purpose is coming. Maybe you could spend some time reflecting on that. Maybe you could think to yourself ways that God has perfectly prepared you for what is to come in your own life. Definitely some thing for all of us to reflect upon. Have a great Monday!
Dearest Lord, I am so grateful that You are the one in charge of my life. I don’t need to worry that I will be ready for what You have for me, as You have been preparing me my entire life. Please just help me to trust You in everything. Amen.
Psalm 139:14-16
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place,
when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed body;
all the days ordainedfor me were written in your book
before one of them came to be.
Thank you for sharing this. I need to learn to lean on Him more.