The Pastor’s Porch October 12, 2020
I had the most wonderful day yesterday. It started with breakfast at one of my very favorite places, continued with a drive to enjoy the beauty of the autumn leaves, and then arriving in Maine, where I had the chance to walk on a beautiful beach with friends and to enjoy some time with the ocean. When I drove back home I stopped and had dinner with a colleague. We both realized how hungry we were, not for dinner particularly, since I had had lobster in Maine (yum!), but hungry for face-to-face encounters. Everything in the day was a chance to do some thing one more time before I leave to go to Florida. It was amazing. It does make me think though, that maybe I need to approach everything with that attitude of treasure. Who knows when something will be the last time? We don’t know what the next day holds do we? Covid has definitely taught us that. I think I’m going to try putting on that attitude today in everything that I do. Maybe you can try that too.
Lord Jesus, thank You for the treasures of yesterday. Help me to treasure everything that happens today as well as they are gifts from You. Amen.
Psalm 118:24
This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!
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