The Pastor’s Porch. September 23, 2020
It is a beautiful morning outside. The sun is shining, the skies are blue and clear, and there’s a nip of fall in the air. During yesterday‘s drive to and from New Hampshire, I found myself looking for surprises along the way. First there was the one maple tree ablaze and color. I almost pulled over to take a picture! Then there was another tree with just tips of leaves beginning to change. So beautiful. What’s funny though is that I am always on the lookout when I drive here for the possibility of seeing a moose or a bear. Yesterday as I drove I remembered the day that Noor and I did actually see a bear in the forest on the same road. However I have yet to encounter a moose. It occurs to me that I need to live each day looking for God’s surprises, anticipating that they will indeed be there. I wonder what will surprise me today :-)
Lord Jesus, I can’t wait to see what surprises you have in store for me today. Thank you for being playful and for being infinitely creative. Amen.
Job 5:9
9 He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted.
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