The Pastor’s Porch
August 24, 2020
Today begins my last week with my son and his wife living with me. Noor has been here for 15 months; Andrew came last March. What mixed feelings I have today! Part of me is really looking forward to having my house back, while the other part is already grieving their departure. Many transitions are like that, I think. Someone said once, “Every change is a loss, and every loss must be grieved.” We certainly are living in a time of change, aren’t we? I think that it is worthwhile to spend some time this week reflecting upon both our losses, but also the good changes that have happened during this crazy year. Let’s chat some more about it tomorrow. For today, how about thinking of 3 good things that happened this year, things that would not have happened without COVID-19? That’s a good start.
Lord, help me to look for your good purpose being worked out even during dark times. Give me the strength to give you thanks, no matter what. Amen
Ecclesiastes 3:1
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.
Thinking about the "good" things that have come out of all this has kept me going many days!!!