The Pastor’s Porch
August 19, 2020
I woke up extra early yesterday morning, before the sun came up. I rarely awaken so early, but I guess God was making sure that I had time with Him before my day began. Just after sunrise, I decided to take my coffee out onto the porch and to enjoy the coolness of the morning. As I sat in my rocker I was joined by my cat. She curled up in my lap, and simply purred her pleasure. No sound just a gentle vibration. As I sat in the stillness I began to be aware of the birds. I heard one call and another answer. As I listened I realized that there were probably a dozen different calls happening. I then paid attention to the crickets. Some chirped loud distinct chirps but oh my—the rest combined their sounds into a really loud, steady hum. I thought to myself that even with no cars and no sounds of people, my porch was an extremely noisy place! It was then that I truly experienced God’s voice. He reminded me of Scriptures that used imagery of rocks crying out and trees clapping my their hands, and others. I realized that what I was hearing was creation praising their Creator. I sat for quite a while listening and adding my own voice praising my Lord and my Savior. Forget “quiet time”! I embraced noisy time and was fully renewed in my spirit. Consider pausing today, my friend, and listening to the praise that is being “shouted” all around you.
Lord, thank You for the sounds of your creatures as they praise You. Help me to listen and then to add my own small voice to the symphony. Amen.
Song of Solomon 2:11-12
See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear in the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land.
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