The Pastor’s Porch
August 12, 2020
Today is a milestone for me. Mind you, I wouldn’t have remembered except that I got a letter from a dear friend a couple of days ago, celebrating the event. You see, ten years ago was the beginning of a very tough few years that would see my health compromised, my marriage fall apart, my finances in shambles, the relationship with one of my sons destroyed, and the end of a pastoral call. So why celebrate? The actual event 10 years ago today was the first of two heart surgeries. My friend sent me the hilarious card that she made at the time. I laughed again as I read it through. Then I remembered the other wonderful gifts of that time. My staff made me a video, my best friend knitted me a prayer shawl, and many friends engaged in a prayer vigil during my surgery. As I remembered these things I felt re-covered by their love. I also was reminded of God’s faithfulness. He was there during those difficult years, and He is with me now. My heart is doing quite well ten years later. So today I celebrate the love of friends and the loving care of my Father. I invite you to remember a particular time when you felt especially loved and to bask in it today.
Lord Jesus, thank You for loving friends and family. Help me to remember times that I felt their love and Yours. If needed reconciliation comes to mind as I remember, please help me to reach out. In Your name I pray, amen.
Psalm 77:11
I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago.
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