The Pastor's Porch
August 10, 2020
Today is going to be a really hot one. The weather service says that we may break a record. I was feeling pretty grumpy about it until I went out to water my garden and saw something that stopped me in my tracks. OH NO! IT WAS A YELLOW LEAF!! You may ask me why in the world that was a bad thing, and before I moved to New England I would have asked the same question. However, the upcoming winter will be my fourth here, and when I saw the leaf, in my head I heard myself shouting, "WINTER IS COMING!" No, this is not a quote from Game of Thrones-lol. I just know that sooner than I realize, the temperatures will be frigid, the green will almost all be gone, and the snow will come. Don't get me wrong-I love the snow. But the days of sitting on my porch will be over for several months, and we will all hunker down again. The leaf reminded me that God calls me to savor this gift of hot weather, to treasure the bounty of my garden, to enjoy the opportunity to take walks, and to simply praise Him. As I reflect, I can't help but be overcome with gratitude for the many blessings that He has showered upon me, and believe it or not, on you too, my friend. I commit to focusing on today's gifts with newfound wonder, and to pushing out of my mind the worries of tomorrow and the weeks and months ahead. May you experience that wonder this day as well.
Lord Jesus, forgive me for focusing on the worries of the days ahead at the expense of thanking You for the gifts that You bring today. Please open my eyes to live out the words of the great hymn that say, "morning by morning new mercies I see." Thank You for Your love. Amen.
Matthew 6:34: 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
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