The Pastor’s Porch
August 13, 2020
Yesterday I cleaned my laundry room. It was on my summer list, but was quickly moved to the top when the dryer stopped working. That meant letting a repairman in, as well as the facility manager from the church. I worked hard to clean up the clutter, to wipe down the appliances, to sweep the floor and then to scrub it. You see, the laundry room is my dog’s bedroom at night, so it can get pretty dirty and smelly! By the time I was finished, it looked and smelled great! The people came and all went well until...well...,when was the last time you cleaned UNDER your dryer? I felt pretty embarrassed when the manager said, with a slight scold in her voice, “You’re lucky there wasn’t a fire!”
So why do I tell you this? It makes me think of how we may work hard on living our best Christ-following life. We may read our Bibles and dutifully say our prayers. We may look great to others but...what’s “under the dryer”? What dirty mess have we not allowed the Spirit to help us clean? What could “catch fire” and damage our souls? My friend, just because no one sees our messes, and just because we ourselves may pretend that they aren’t there, doesn’t take the mess away. My dryer area is beautifully clean now, but there is still the washer! The great news today is that Jesus stands ready to help us when we invite Him to do so. What in our souls needs cleaning? Bring it to the top of the list today.
Lord please expose to us the areas of our lives that need Your cleansing. We want to be our brightest as Your lights in the world. Amen.
Ephesians 4:31-32
31Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
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