The Pastor's Porch
July 30/31, 2020
Today's reflection is a "two-for." Two days of pondering put into one entry. This has been a week of too much new information. Tuesday, I had a work meeting where I was asked to be ready with a brand new way of looking at my department by Monday, marrying together two ministries that have never, as one may put it, "played together well in the sandbox." Then on Wednesday I attended a virtual workshop on finding hope and peace during these strange days. Yesterday I was sent an article about trends in the church that have shifted because of Covid, the racial righteousness movement, and political division. Frankly, my mind is swirling. How do we figure out a way forward as individuals, as churches or companies, as a nation when everything is in such flux. Someone said to me about my church ministry, "so if you could have a do-over, what would you do over?" That's part of what these times have to offer, isn't it? Those who have wished that they have more time with their kids, have it now. Those who were on the road too much are now staying home much more. Do you get the idea? So today I am asking myself the question, "What do the current circumstances allow me to 'do over' and to "do better'?" I have mentioned before that this year my son and I have planted and maintain a generous garden. Well now the harvest is truly coming in! Yesterday I picked lettuce, spinach, carrots, tomatoes, summer squash, cucumbers and green beans. What a dinner feast we had! I also have been experimenting with making pickles, something I always wanted to try. My son's herb garden has led to my trying to cook lots of new things for the first time in years. In my work I am trying new ways to worship, to connect with folks, and to engage my community. I have even started this blog! Most importantly I am spending more time in reflection, in Scripture and prayer. My soul is being refreshed even as my mind is overwhelmed at times. So now, how about you? What can you do these days that wasn't possible in faster paced life? What can you do better than before? I encourage you to consider those questions, then to bring the answers before God in prayer to seek His guidance. Have a great weekend!
Lord, help us to catch a glimpse of Your good purpose for us during these strange days. Please give us "ears to hear" Your precious voice. Amen.
Ecc. 3:1- There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens
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