The Pastor's Porch
July 27, 2020
I have a friend who can relate strongly to Job these days. It is hard to feel so helpless when people we love are going through tough times, isn't it? In the story of Job, his three friends first supported him in the perfect way. They simply sat with him, saying nothing, ready to respond to what he might say or need. But then they changed, and started to accuse Job of sinning. They had to figure out the reason for why he was going through horrific loss and sickness. The only thing that they could wrap their minds around was cause and effect. Job sinned. God punished. But they couldn't have been more wrong. Job was God's champion in a battle against Satan. God was so confident in Job's faith that He allowed Satan to take away his children, his possessions, his hopes and dreams and even finally, his health. My friend is like Job in that she too has extraordinary faith. I can just hear God saying, "“Have you considered my servant _______? There is no one on earth like her; she is blameless and upright, a woman who fears God and shuns evil.” (Job 1:8, feminized) Does my friend get angry with God? Well of course she does! Nevertheless in her innermost being, she still loves Him and serves Him with all of her heart, knowing that He holds her perfectly in His hands. When I went through the worst period of my life, I held onto to the words near the end of the book: The Lord blessed the latter part of Job’s life more than the former part. (Job 42:12). I do feel very blessed these days. I pray that God will do the same for my friend, and for any of you who are struggling right now.
Lord, God, there are so many hurting people in the world. Help me to hold on firmly to the knowledge that You have promised to walk with anyone who calls upon Your name, and to hold them close, catching every agonizing tear. Help me to be a friend Who loves like You do. In Jesus' name, amen.
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