The Pastor's Porch
July 24, 2020
Today has been a slow start day. Ever have one of those? I found myself needing to spend more time with God than usual, as I have much on my mind. How silly that I feel guilty not having this post up earlier, not having the dishes done, not having written a report that needs to be finished! No, I won't listen to that guilt. I find that sometimes God simply whispers urgently in my ear that I must stop and be with Him. Does that happen to you too? The to-do list must be put aside for a while, as there is nothing more important than time with Jesus. I spent a couple of hours this morning sometimes just sitting in silence with my eyes closed, listening for His voice, sometimes talking with Him and telling Him my concerns, asking for His wisdom, and sometimes praying for others. Yes, the tasks are still there. However, I am now much more able to accomplish those tasks with a spirit connected to the Holy Spirit. I encourage you, friend, to set aside some time to spend with Jesus over the weekend. He is waiting...
Lord Jesus, thank You for urging me to connect with You this day. May I always be willing to drop what I am doing when You call. In Your name I pray, amen.
Psalm 46:10--“Be still, and know that I am God!"
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