The Pastor's Porch
July 17, 2020
Today it is cool and rainy outside, a much welcome break from the normal warm summer days. I plan to thoroughly enjoy the day, partly because I know what is coming tomorrow. For the next three days, we will be enduring a heat wave with "real feel" temps over 100 degrees. Yes, I know that there are parts of the world that see days like that all the time, but not us in New England. You know, I think that our country is enduring a political "heat wave" right now, with all of the fear and division over the pandemic, along with the racial issues, the economy and of course, the upcoming election. What I would give for a break in all of it! Maybe what I need to do is to create a cool oasis where I am not seared by the heat, where I can sense a breeze and refreshment. What might that look like? Honestly, it would be my porch. I have hung flowering baskets and have my rockers to sit in. The screens are up, and especially in the early mornings, it is cool there. Now I think I will be more mindful of my time on the porch. I tend to take my phone out there with me, but maybe I should leave its constant news feed and interruptions inside for a while. It's a nice thought. Maybe just 30 minutes rocking in my chair, watching the birds, greeting a neighbor or two who walks by, and talking with God. Yes, I am going to do it. Can you create an oasis for God and you too?
Lord, help me to spend time with You that refreshes my soul and cools the heat of my mind. Please surround me with Your beauty, and open my eyes to Your kingdom. Amen.
Jeremiah 17:8:
They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends
out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its
leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and
never fails to bear fruit.”
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