The Pastor's Porch
July 16, 2020
I read a devotional this morning that got me thinking and remembering some interesting times. The subject of the devotional was saying "yes" to God. I have spent some time this morning thinking back to some crazy "yeses" that I have said and done. For instance, there was the time that God compelled me to give my expensive puppy to a neighbor who had lost her son to suicide and whose daughter was suffering greatly from the loss. Then there was the time that He compelled me to give a very valuable horse to the person who owned the stable where she stayed. She had endured several crushing blows in a short time, and God directed me to gift her the horse as a sign of His love for her. To say that she was overwhelmed is an understatement. Oh, and then there was the time four years ago when He asked me to pull up stakes, throw away 75% of my salary, to sell my beloved house and leave all of my friends and family to take a part-time call to the church I now serve in rural Massachusetts. To the query, "how can you leave Seattle for that?" I could only reply, "have you read the story of Jonah and what happens when we say 'no' to God?" The only reply I know to anything that God asks is "yes, Lord." After all, "no, Lord" is a contradiction in terms, isn't it? If we say "no" to Him, He isn't really "Lord," is He? Anyway, can I just say that I have never regretted any "yes" decision that I have made? I have been mightily blessed by God's provision and astounded by how perfectly my "yes" fits into His crazy, wonderful plan. What might God be asking of you? Say "yes," no matter what, and see what He does!
Lord, yes You are Lord, help us to have the courage and faith to say "yes" to anything that you ask. We long to truly serve You in all that we do. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Isaiah 26:8:
Yes, Lord, walking in the way of your laws, we wait for you; your name and renown are the desire of our hearts.
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